Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Hair Update and a Possible Piercing?

I'm enjoying my short hair to the fullest! I wanted to make it a little more even at the top so I decided to cut about an inch off the top...Probably shouldn't have done that though. Right afterwards, I was not that happy about it. It was a rather spontaneous decisions. Every now and then I get these bursts of spontaneous ideas, that sometimes go right and others... terribly wrong lol. Oh well. I'm going to rock it with much confidence. The above pic was taken yesterday, a day after I took the scissors to my head. I may get the back and sides tapered up for a more sleak look.

Products I'm currently using:
{Styling and Moisture}
Taliah Waajid Curly Cream
Shea Moisture Hair Thickening and Growth Milk
Jamaican Black Castor Oil
Eco Styler Gel
(SN: I'm thinking of going back to the Cantu Shea Butter Coconut Creme. It just works for my hair.)

Pantene Co-Wash
Organix Shampoo (Mint)

In other news I'm thinking of getting my nose pierced. When I was  senior in high school, I really really wanted it, but my mom was like, 'oh hell no!' Typical. After that, I just dismissed the idea and never thought much about it again, until now. Plus at that time, I was entering the professional world of "work" and I didn't want to hinder my chances of getting a job. Why now? Why NOT? Life is too short, and I want to take more risks with NO regrets. I am moving toward a more free spirited life by caring less about what others think about me or my decisions. Doing what I want to do is my definition of happiness.

The journey continues...

Peace & Blessings,

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